Indicating the increasing importance of the 25 per cent weightage for Intermediate marks in the EAMCET admissions, there is a 4 per cent increase in the pass percentage of this year’s first-year Intermediate results which were released on Thursday.The pass percentage has increased to 52.21 from last year’s 48.56. Keeping up the tradition, girls scored over boys. As against the pass percentage of 56.61 by girls, boys scored 48.48 pc. In all, about 4.44 lakh of 8.51 lakh regular students and 31,117 0f 77,846 vocational students passed the examinations. About 1.69 lakh students scored more than 75 pc marks and received A grade, while 1.45 lakh students got B grade by scoring between 60 and 75 pc marks. The highest pass percentage was registered in Krishna with 70 pc, while the lowest was recorded in Nalgonda district with 34 pc. Visakhapatnam district registered 63 pc pass and is closely followed by Ranga Reddy district with 62 pc.Minister for secondary education K Parthasaradhi released the results at the office of the Board of Intermediate Education (BIE) here in the presence of BIE secretary K Balaramaiah and other officials. The minister said officials ensured trouble-free spot valuation of the answer-scripts by deputing a large number of evaluators and also released results within 35 days after the examinations concluded. The government posted the results and marks on four government websites on a trial basis, while 44 other websites will host results with grades. “If the hosting of marks is successful, it will be extended to all other private websites,” he said.The memorandum of marks can be collected from the regional inspection officers on April 25. Any discrepancies in memorandum of marks should be referred to the board through the principals concerned before May 21. Candidates wishing to avail recounting and supply of photo copy-cum-revivification of valued answer scripts should pay Rs 100 per paper and Rs 600 per paper respectively. The applications in this regard can be had from principals or can be downloaded from ‘’.The Intermediate Advanced Supplementary Examinations will be held from May 27 and the last date for payment of examination fee is May 3. Candidates who have passed the first-year Intermediate examinations can appear for improvement on payment of Rs 100 per paper in addition to the normal examination fee.